Goloso Games
Based in Avignon, France
Release date:
Playdate Catalog
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USD | 5 |
He is back. The emus are at the gates of CatTown. The cat army is overwhelmed by the number of feathered soldiers, the felines will soon become... an endangered species. General Mittens has no other choice: he must call the legendary Spike to the rescue. Equipped with your minigun, try to survive the horde of emus who will do their best to catch you. As General Mittens used to say: "You are our last hope, Spike!"
When Yann (Goloso Games) heard about the Playdate, he immediately tried to get one: an indie handheld console, how cool is that! His idea was to make a game that used the crank as a game feature, and his first idea was to use it as a minigun crank... Two months later, the game was born! Also, to celebrate the occasion, Yann created a physical release. 100 limited copies of the box were sent to everywhere in the world! (Japan, Australia, USA, Canada, Europe...)
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About Goloso Games
Goloso Games is a one-man dev studio (Yann), based in France and founded in 2017. Specialized in point-and-click adventure games, it aims to deliver quality adventure games with endearing characters. Goloso is an italian word which means: "a person who likes to eat, probably too much". A "goloso" is a gourmand but also a glutton.
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More information on Goloso Games, our logo & relevant media are available here.
Spike II: The Great Emu War Credits
presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks